Thursday 20 November 2014

The Abbey of Noirlac

Our visit of the Abbey of Noirlac was like a horror movie: the day was grey, it was raining, and there were not even a living soul, only us and the echo of our own steps in a huge building. I think it was even possible to hear the rustling of some cassocks of the monks that lived there ages ago.

Maybe my imagination was playing with me after the horror movies I saw just before the visit, but I feared all time that a demon or a walking dead might attack me from the shadow! So after my precedent blog posts of colors (Park Floral de la Source and Butterflies), I would like to show you some mystic and aged photos from the Abbey of Noirlac (the name of this Abbey means in French Black Lake)!


1 comment:

  1. Привет! Какие красивые пейзажы! Просто нет слов. Одно восхищение!
    В моем блоге проходит розыгрыш с отличным призом - кейпом Oasap. Приглашаю принять участие ❤❤ !
